Next time you are out on I-25 headed north from Las Cruces, please remember that members of Tresco Works are doing the work to clean, maintain the facilities, including water and sewer, while also keeping the grounds looking good at The Rest Areas between Las Cruces and Albuquerque on I25.  Starting July 1st, Tresco Works has assumed the custodial and grounds work at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) sites just off the interstate near Upham and Rincon. These are a similar contract to the one already in place with the BLM for Aguirre and Dripping Springs sites.  Paul Bason, Pablo Hererra and their team are now responsible for the contract.  Grounds Maintenance Workers Cheryl Hains and Davi Hasslacher have been doing an awesome job.  Members of our team are doing great work at high visibility locations in many places, and this is the latest example of a contract most of us will drive by sometime this year.  If you see our team members, stop, say hi and introduce yourself and let them know they are doing a great job.

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