“Working Together With You From Day One”
Assisting expecting mothers, fathers,
and/or children ages 0-5 at absolutely
What To Expect:
- Regular visits to your home at a time that is convenient for you and your home visitor
- Development of goals based on what you want for your child and family
- Regular Screenings
- Support and encouragement for you and your baby

Call (575) 527-4900
for Any Additional Information
or To Make A Referral
or To Make A Referral
What are the goals of the Home Visiting?

1. Pregnant women experience improved prenatal health & babies experience improved birth outcomes.
2. Parents are available, responsive, attuned and appropriate with their infants and young children, supporting optimal social-emotional and cognitive development.
3. Infants and young children to age five (5) experience optimal social-emotional and cognitive development so that they are prepared for school success.
Why personalized visits?
1. Each family has different needs. Therefore, services are tailored to each family specifically.
2. One family might want different resources or more support in one area than another.
3. We honor differences and work with each family and child to help them meet their own goals as they see fit.

What happens during home visits?
Each home visitor will use parents as teachers curriculum during their visits to discuss

1. Parent-child interaction.
2. Developmental-centered parenting.
3. Family Wellbeing. During visits, we share evidence based information, have fun and engaging activities for the family and conduct assessment tools to find how we can best assist the family in finding appropriate community resources.
Who benefits from home visits?
1. The family and the child or children benefit from home visiting.
2. By having support of a home visitor the benefits are shown in a variety of ways.
3. More connections to other resources help benefit child development, family well-being and parenting skills.