TOTS Early Intervention Program
TOTS Early Intervention program provides services and supports to children birth to age 3 that have a developmental delay or at risk of a delay.
Our dedicated team of therapists and family service coordinators work together to offer:
Gross motor skills
Fine motor skills
Cognitive/Problem Solving
Communication/Language skills
Social/Emotional Skills and much more!
Let us help your child reach their full potential!

Referrals to TOTS
Anyone can refer a child under the age of 3 to TOTS, if there is a concern regarding a developmental delay. Referrals to TOTS come from a variety of people and organizations, including but not limited to:
Health Care Providers (family practice and pediatric offices; Newborn Intensive Care Units, WIC, Families First, Children’s Medical Services, etc.
Early Care and Education Programs (child care staff; Head Start etc.)
Social Services (CYFD – Child Protective Services, family shelters, etc.)