Child Development Milestones Referral in Las Cruces, NM
Early intervention services are provided in settings where the child typically spends their day (for example, home, childcare, with other family members or other community settings).
Children learn and develop through the ongoing relationships with their parents and others in their life.
Early intervention services can help families find opportunities for learning within in their child’s daily routines such as playtime, mealtime, bedtime etc.

What is TOTS Early Intervention Program?
Early Intervention services are therapies and special instruction provided to families with children age birth to 3 with a developmental delay or risks factors for delays.
ALL TOTS services are provided at NO cost to the family within Doña Ana and Sierra Counties
TOTS is a non-profit agency that has been successfully providing therapy and services to families since the beginning of Early Intervention Services in NM.
We have therapists and leadership that have been in the field of Early Childhood Services for many years with a wealth of expertise and knowledge in working with families and their infants & toddlers
So if you have questions or concerns with your child’s development in the first 3 years, listed below, contact us to schedule your FREE developmental screening or for more information!
Physical (reaching, rolling, crawling, and walking)
Cognitive (thinking, learning, solving problems)
Communication (babbling, cooing, talking,
listening, understanding)
Social/emotional (behavior, play, feelings)
Self-help (eating, drinking, dressing)
How we serve your Family…
Once we receive interest, questions or a referral about your child we begin our process of supporting you with the following. . .
Provide Hearing, Vision and full Developmental Screenings
Provide Evaluation information of your Child’s Development to
determine your child’s strengths, needs and what services
and/ or therapies your child would benefit from -
Services/Therapies may include speech, motor, behavioral/family, case management, social work services, and special instruction on development
We focus on individual family goals
- We provide Assistive Technology Services and Devices
We provide all of our services where the family prefers to participate, home child care center, relatives home, etc.
We will even help you determine a program, preschool, or other services to transition to when your child out grows our services
We also provide car seat safety education and can provide a safe car seat to families without one for a donation of $35
Service Coordination
Assisting families through the intake, evaluation and
eligibility determination process and facilitating the
IFSP process, service coordinators also provide
information about, and make referrals to, other
community resources, and coordinate and ensure
the delivery of all services.
Audiology, Speech, and Vision
Testing a child’s hearing and other auditory services
(including referrals for hearing aids or specific training
regarding amplification needs) are provided as needed.
Speech-Language therapy helps families and
caregivers enhance the child’s understanding of
language and develop communication skills, which may
include speech, signs and gestures.
Family Counseling
Counseling, psychological and developmental testing
and analysis, as well as interpretation of a child’s
behavior are provided as required.
Special Instruction
The design of and consultation on developmentally
appropriate activities that families and caregivers can
include in the child’s typical day and may include
activities within all developmental areas.
Transportation may be made available enabling
families to get to any early intervention services that
are provided at a location other than the family’s home.
Occupational Therapy
We help children gain skills needed for play and daily
living activities, designing and providing adaptive and
assistive devices, as well as addressing the sensory
motor and fine motor needs of the child.
Assistive Technology
Equipment, devices and/or products, including those
acquired commercially, modified or customized, that
increase the functional abilities of children with
developmental delays (such as a communication device
or seating chair)are available as needed.
Physical Therapy
We help families and caregivers enhance a child’s
movement abilities (including crawling, standing,
walking and balance) through therapeutic activities,
appropriate positioning, and with adaptive and
assistive devices that can be incorporated into
the child’s typical day.
Social Work Services
We help families navigate all community resources
they qualify for and are available in our area.
We pride ourselves in working with Community
Collaborators to offer the best in services, care,
and information.